We provide the most advanced research‑based personal safety and risk management training to law enforcement, public safety agencies (Search & Rescue, Fire, EMS ), and to private industry.


Since 2004 Raptor has been providing the following expert services:

  • Use of Force Analysis
  • Expert Witness
  • Training Services
  • Professional Speaking


Over his 34-year career, Chris Butler has delivered training and instruction, and has authored and published on a wide variety of topics related to law enforcement use of force, workplace violence, personal safety and risk management.

New Training Course

The Methods of Instruction – Advanced Training For Practical And Professional Law Enforcement Skills course is an intensive 5‑day, 40‑hour program that provides students with a deeply challenging exploration of paradigm‑breaking, scientific principles which they will be able to apply immediately and directly to their setting in Academy or Agency’s training programs.

Trainer’s Bullpen

A Free Expert Resource For Trainers to Talk About Safety and Risk Management Training. Trainers in the Law Enforcement come to hear experts talk about their work, experience, and research into human performance, particularly as it relates to the critical aspects of training motor learning and crisis decision-making.

Upcoming Course Schedule

Methods of Instruction

January 13 - January 17

Location: Surrey Police Training Centre

Organizer: Surrey Police Service & B.C. Conservation Officer Service

Registration: *Registration is now open* To Register for this course contact Sergeant Ryan Reed at ryan.reed@surreypolice.ca

Methods of Instruction

March 3 - March 7

Location: Fish Creek Environmental Learning Centre

Organizer: Alberta Forestry and Parks Environmental Enforcement Branch

Registration: *Closed Course* Seats may be made available closer to course date. For more information about this course contact Inspector Randy Ramsden @ randy.ramsden@gov.ab.ca

Methods of Instruction

March 24 - March 28

Location: Winnipeg Police Service Training Academy

Organizer: Winnipeg Police Service

Registration: *Closed Course* For more information about this course contact Staff Sergeant Colin Anderson at canders3@winnipeg.ca

Methods of Instruction

March 31 - April 4

Location: Calgary Police Service

Organizer: Calgary Police Tactical Section

Registration: *Closed Course* Some external seats may become available closer to the course date. For more information about this course contact Sergeant Paul Merchant at Pmerchant@calgarypolice.ca

Methods of Instruction

April 28 - May 2

Location: Spokane County Sheriff’s Office Regional Training Facility

Organizer: Spokane County Sheriff’s Office

Registration: Registration is now *Open* and limited seats are available. To Register contact Shawna Kennedy at scsotraining@spokanesheriff.org

Methods of Instruction

May 26 - May 30

Location: Peel Regional Police Emil V. Colb Centre for Police Excellence

Organizer: Peel Regional Police

Registration: Registration is now *Open* and limited seats are available. To Register contact Staff Sergeant Wayne Patterson at 2040@peelpolice.ca

Methods of Instruction

August 4 - August 8

Location: Barrie Police Service

Organizer: Barrie Police Service

Registration: Registration not yet open. It is expected that limited seats will be made available to external agencies. To express interest and have your name put on a list, Chris Butler at chris@raptorprotection.com

Methods of Instruction

September 15 - September 19

Location: Bridgerland Technical College

Organizer: Bridgerland (Utah) Training Association

Registration: Registration not yet open. It is expected that limited seats will be made available to external agencies. To express interest and have your name put on a list, Chris Butler at chris@raptorprotection.com NOTE: This course is facilitated through Raptor Public Safety Coaching Inc. USA

Methods of Instruction

October 6 - October 10

Location: Fredericton New Brunswick

Organizer: Fredericton Police Force

Registration: Registration not yet open. It is expected that limited seats will be made available to external agencies. To express interest and have your name put on a list, Chris Butler at chris@raptorprotection.com